Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Swim lessons start back up on September 3, 2013. Please call Deane Wilson at 541-779-7529 ext 381
to sign up your children or yourself.

Lessons are given at 727 Cardley Avenue, Medford, OR97524.  Monday through Saturday.

Here are some more comments from parents that have had their children in the Superior Swim Program:

"Summer of 2013 my kids are 9 and 5. We had never had access to a pool long enough to get swimming lessons until now. We live way out in the middle of nowhere. So for the very first time we were able to get both our kids in for 5 days of swimming lessons. We were very excited when we found Miss Deane and read her reviews. She sounded like a great swimming instructor. Day one:
with both kids afraid of the water. She got them to get in the water within the first minute and they were floating on noodles, the 5 year old both noodle and arm floats. By the end of the first lesson 9 year old was swimming across half the pool with the help of a noodle and blowing short bursts of bubbles. The 5 year old has put the arm floats on the side of the pool and was  comfortable using only the noodle. Day two: Just noodles today they both did great, Miss Deane is amazing. In just two days she transformed 2 kids from being afraid of the water to enjoying it. They are now jumping in the water from the side of the pool. Day three and four: Both kids are swimming short distances with no flotation devises. They are also learning to float on their backs and are more comfortable with putting their faces in the water. My 9 year old started swimming short distances underwater after just 3 lessons. Day five: My 5 year old swam through a hula hoop underwater today.
I am amazed that in just 5 lessons they can go from being afraid of the water to being able to swim underwater. My 9 year old now a few weeks later jumps in the river near our house and swims back to shore. There just aren't enough words to describe how amazing Miss Deane is. She doesn't allow them to say "I can't" she has them say "I'll try." We plan to have our kids take more lessons from her soon. I can't wait and neither can the kids. We love you Miss Deane!!! Thank you!"

1 comment:

  1. My friend used to teach swimming lessons, she really loved it. She liked it so much because the children in her class were so cute and were excited to learn about swimming. They all improved so much and she also liked seeing that. I'm excited for when my children are old enough to take swim lessons.
